Looking at my contents page from a distance, I realised that some of the text was hard to read. For example, the sub-text underneath the page numbers was similar to the majority of text, and as this is smaller it was more difficult to read. I decided to alter this to a plain and simple text which was easy to read, especially from a distance. I did this in several areas including one of the main infomation boxes regarding an artist. Also, I change the colour of some texts including the sub-text underneath the interview advert and page number. Finally I chose to add another box outline which surrounds the band search area. I thought it would make this part stand out a little more as it is a key area of the contents page.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Tune Music Magazine Front Cover
I decided to alter some areas of my front cover as I noticed it was missing several forms and conventions of real magazines, which would improve the overall look and feel of the front cover. For example, the main text advertising a well known artist which relates to the main image is too similar to the surrounding text and does not stand out from the rest. I chose to make the artists name in big text in a brighter colour to stand out over the rest of the text on the page, along with enlarging the sub-text to also stand out but not overshadow the artists name. This is a form and convention of many music magazines, having the main artist dominating the page with the related text also standing out the most. Other parts which I altered include the size of the advertisement at the top of the cover so this too would stand out and fit the conventions of magazines, where this would cover the top of the page. I also changed the size of the text on the left hand side, where the main parts are more visible and easier to read from a distance along with the smaller writing not having a stroke effect (outline colour of the text). I feel these changes has improved the overall front cover as it looks more like a real music magazine with more forms and conventions .
Tune Magazine Front Cover Step-by-step
This step-by-step shows how my magazine began to progress to a finalized piece. I decided to alter the background brick wall image to make it look more fresh and professional, but also a real feel relating to many well known music magazines. By using Photoshop I was able to add a shadow to the figure onto the background wall. I feel by using this technique the overall look and layout is more proffessional and realistic.
Tune Magazine Front Cover Possible Images
These are my own taken 3 possible photographs where one will be the main image I will use for my music magazine front cover. My initial thought is to use the centre image as the figure is looking directly at the audience, which from research is a common norm on all music magazines. I think his clothing will fit the theme and target audience for my magazine; hip hop and young teenagers.
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